Jules Adler museum
Inaugurated in 2022, the Jules Adler Museum invites you to (re)discover the life and work of this Luxovian artist.
The paintings, sketches and personal objects, presented in an elegant museography, open onto the artistic universe of Jules Adler, but also onto the intimacy of the painter.
Three thematic rooms reveal the talent and humanism of an artist sensitive to the transformations of his era.

Born in Luxeuil-les-Bains in 1865, Jules Adler remained attached all his life to his childhood town, the playground for his first artistic experiments.
Following his training in Paris, Jules Adler became a well-known painter, taking his place in the line of Gustave Courbet, the famous realist painter from Franche-Comté.
His sober, humanist depictions of the living conditions of workers and the poorest earned him the nickname of "painter of the humble". His paintings were even compared to the naturalist novels of Émile Zola.

A museum to discover the man and the painter
The collections are divided into three themes: the painter of the humble, his childhood in Luxeuil and his artistic training, and the diversity of Jules Adler's work.
You will also discover a selection of objects that belonged to Jules Adler (work tools and personal documents), which complement the artworks and reveal something of the artist's private life.

Visit Jules Adler musuem !
Prepare your visit ! Timetables, prices and conditions of access are available below.
- Espace muséal Jules Adler
Place de la Baille
70300 LUXEUIL-LES-BAINS - 03 84 40 06 41
- www.ecclesia-luxeuil.fr/decouvrir/le-musee-jules-adler/