Théâtre : M.O.L.I.E.R.E
Méli-Mélo Oratoire Librement Inspiré d'Errances dans le Répertoire de l'Eponyme is a clever acronym for MOLIERE. And it's all in tricks that this show traverses his life and work. We see how Jean-Baptiste Poquelin turned down his destiny as an upholsterer to become an actor, how he set off on a tour of France, how he returned to Paris to find success, and how this success was also a scandal; we meet his father, the great tragedian Montfleury, his first protector the Prince de Conti, Louis XIV, his troupe mates, journalists, courtiers, doctors...
To retrace the life of Jean-Baptiste, these figures draw on the words of Molière's characters, and the stories of a man's life take on the colourful glow of the scenes from his plays. The artists throw themselves with joy, ardour and madness into the life and work of the man who was without doubt the most joyful, the most ardent and the most mad of all stage people...
By Compagnie Grand Tigre
With : Clément Beauvoir | Lucas Hénaff | Etienne Luneau | Joseph Robinne
Espace Molière, 8.30pm.
Regular price: €15 / Reduced price: 13€ / Subscriber rate: 9€ / Youth rate: 9€.
Book on 03 84 40 56 20.
- Credit card, Payment cards, Cheques and postal orders, Cash, Eurocard - Mastercard, Visa
Thursday 27 March at 8.30pm
- Base rate : 15€
- Reduced rate : 13€
- Subscriber's rate : 9€
- Young person's rate : 9€