Anna Besson : Bach l'intemporel !
Bach the timeless!
Mediation with Anna Besson, flutist of the ensemble a nocte temporis.
From the Partitas for solo instrument to the Passions and the Art of the Fugue, a visual and auditory insight into the incredible musical genius that was Johann Sebastian Bach and the influence he had and continues to have on generations after him.
Meetings for the general public (free) :
-Monday 27 March, 5.30 pm, Médiathèque de Villers-le-Sec > 06 71 42 82 05
-Tuesday 28 March, 6.30 pm, La Romaine Media Library > bibliothequelaromaine@gmail.com
Wednesday 29 March, 10.30 a.m., Saint-Loup-sur-Semouse municipal media library > mediatheque@saint-loup.eu
-Wednesday 29 March, Louis Garret library, Vesoul > 03 84 97 16 60
Musical afternoon open to all
2 pm > Master class led by Anna Besson with the Vesoul Music School.
4 pm > Exhibition: discover the scores of the Municipal Library's old collection, visit by Christine Bachet in collaboration with Mathieu Freyburger and contributions from musicians from the Vesoul Music School.
6.30 pm > Musical conference by Anna Besson: Bach the timeless
- Thursday 30 March, 6 pm, Médiathèque municipale de Faverney > biblio.fav@orange.fr
- Friday 31 March, 7 pm, Médiathèque François Mitterrand d'Héricourt > 03 84 46 03 30