Circuit des Tuileries
From the Étang Neuf, a natural area fitted out with chalets and huts for hikers who have kept their childlike souls, the hiking trail reveals the industrial past of Passavant-la-Rochère by passing near six old tile factories, three of which were still in operation in the 1950s. But the advent of cement tiles precipitated the closure of the last tile factories, causing the population of the village to halve over the same period.
From the Chalet du Lac, take the D7 towards the village centre. Before the multi-purpose hall (former Monchanin tile factory) turn left and climb the embankment. Follow the old railway line, cross the viaduct and go down the path on your left.
Take the D50 on the left and then the rue du presbytère on the right (you can see an old tile factory transformed into a garage). Then take the rue du Pâteux in the direction of the church. Continue in the rue du Bourg, passing the tower of the old castle on your left. Take the rue de la Tour on your left and go to the cemetery (former site of the Andon tile factory, now disappeared). Turn left onto the Chemin de la Nava for 1.4 km.
At the end of the path you can see the remains of a tile factory in the undergrowth. Turn left to join the D7. Turn right, go under the bridge of the old railway and continue to the canal.
Go up on your right to join the old railway line which you will follow for
1 km. At the old level crossing, continue along the road to the rue de la Grande-Fontaine (on your right, the remains of the Pourchot tile factory, closed in 1982).
Follow the street to the left, cross the D50 and continue along rue Mafioli. Turn left into rue Saint-Antoine and continue to a small chapel. Go around the building on the left and then down the path that passes under the viaduct as on the way out. Take the D50 to the right then go back under the viaduct. Go past the old forge (site of the Boileau-Mercier tile factory and its mansion) and continue for 300 m.
Turn right then left at the crossroads and follow the road for 500 m. At the bend in the road, veer sharply to the left, go around the archery site and take the path that leads to the pond's dam. Walk along the south bank to the chalet on the lake.