Festival Les Pluralies : Ma Part d'Ombre
Hip hop dance and theatre.
Compagnie Chaabane.
Concept, text, choreography and performance: Sofiane Chalal (hip hop world vice-champion).
Stage management and lighting: Adrien Hosdez.
Sound engineer: Nicolas Tarridec.
Set design and video: Pierre Nouvel.
Video animation: Bilel Allem.
"My physique is the centrepiece of my career".
On stage, an extraordinary body defies the codes of dance and the laws of physics. Sofiane Chalal is a dancer and choreographer who makes no bones about it: "People meet me twice, as if my body were taking up all the space, even mine". This almost schizophrenic duality between his life on stage and his life in the city is the subject of Ma part d'ombre.
It's almost a rite of initiation, dealing with very personal, and therefore universal, subjects: the body as ally and enemy, and the paradox, sometimes stimulating, sometimes painful, between what we perceive of ourselves and what others see. All at once, the power of hip hop and the fragility of mime.
As comfortable in battles as he is in theatres, a winner of numerous competitions and performer for Farid Berki, Brahim Bouchelaghem and Christophe Piret, and the author of videos posted on social networks that are as much short choreographic films, he challenges all preconceived ideas and doesn't fit into any box.
Programme available at https://pluralies.net/
Full Price: €12 / Reduced Price (Subscribers, CE, Burgundy Franche-Comté Youth Advantage Card, Children under 16, European Youth Card): €8 / Family Price (2 Adults and 3 children under 16): €35.
At 9.30pm in the cloister of the abbey.
- Pet forbidden
Saturday 6 July at 9.30pm
- Reduced rate (Subscribers, CE, Bourgogne Franche-Comté Avantage Jeunes card, Children under 16, European Youth Card)
- Sonderpreis (2 adults and 3 children under the age of 16)