Commercial event, Course / Workshop
Fête de l'Entraide
GARDEN VACUUM: Come and trade, sell or buy your plants, seeds, etc. Register with Alain 06 86 08 84 03.
GARDEN: Visit the L'Entraide garden, get advice and chat with the gardeners.
CRAFT INDUSTRIES and WORKSHOPS: Open d'Or créativité; Atelier des petites mains; Déco à base de pots de fleur; Savons artisanaux; Les abeilles Symbiose; ALPEN Planète verte...
COMTOIS MEAL: Adults €10 and €5 - under 12s. Registration with Christiane 06 25 90 49 60 before 27 April.
Organised by the l'Entraide association.
Rates & Schedules
Saturday 4 May from 10am to 5pm.
- Free (Free admission)