Se ressourcer avec le Yoga et l'Art floral
From 4pm to 7pm at Chapelle St Colomban.
An evening to recharge your batteries, create with flowers and enter the world of colour!
In the relaxing setting of the Chapelle Saint Colomban, we invite you to discover yoga through simple techniques that are accessible to all, and to regenerate yourself with the deep relaxation of yoga. As part of these practices, you will be introduced to the symbolism of colours. You will then be invited to create a harmonious floral arrangement that will reflect the evening.
After the workshop, for those who wish, we'll share a packed lunch.
Price €50.
Limited number of participants, please register by the evening of 6 August. Equipment provided.
No prerequisites required.
Contact: Elodie 06 89 39 38 51 or Sandrine 06 51 26 37 59
Élodie, florist and floral art designer - Sandrine yoga teacher trained in deep relaxation.
- Cheques and postal orders, Cash